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Extensions overview

Helpers for adding useful methods to Tag services.

Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents




export declare const Actions: { fromTag: <I, S>(tag: Tag<I, S>) => Actions<I, S> }

Added in v1.0.0

Actions (interface)

Create a Tagged service that can be utilized from the Effect Context.


export interface Actions<I, S> {
   * Apply a function to the service in the environment
  readonly with: <A>(f: (s: S) => A) => Effect.Effect<A, never, I>
   * Perform an Effect with the service in the environment
  readonly withEffect: <A, E, R>(f: (s: S) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, R | I>

Added in v1.0.0


Create a Tagged service that can be utilized from the Effect Context.


export declare function fromTag<I, S>(tag: Tag<I, S>): Tagged<I, S>

Added in v1.0.0


Create a Tagged service that can be utilized from the Effect Context.


export declare function withActions<T extends Tag<any, any>>(tag: T): T & Actions<Tag.Identifier<T>, Tag.Service<T>>

Added in v1.0.0


Tagged (interface)

A Tagged service is a @effect/data/Context.Tag with additional methods for utilizing and providing the service without needing additional imports from Effect, Layer, or Context so you’re not redefining the same methods over and over again.


export interface Tagged<I, S = I> extends Tag<I, S>, Actions<I, S>, Provision<I, S> {}

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const Provision: { readonly fromTag: <I, S>(tag: Tag<I, S>) => Provision<I, S> }

Added in v1.0.0

Provision (interface)


export interface Provision<I, S> {
   * Create a ContextBuilder from the service
   * @since 1.0.0
  readonly build: (s: S) => ContextBuilder<I>

   * Provide a service to an Effect
   * @since 1.0.0
  readonly provide: (service: S) => <A, E, R>(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E, Exclude<R, I>>

   * Provide a service to an Effect using a service Effect
   * @since 1.0.0
  readonly provideEffect: <E2, R2>(
    effect: Effect.Effect<S, E2, R2>
  ) => <A, E, R>(effect: Effect.Effect<A, E, R>) => Effect.Effect<A, E | E2, R2 | Exclude<R, I>>

   * Create a Layer from the service
   * @since 1.0.0
  readonly layer: <R = never, E = never>(
    effect: Effect.Effect<S, E, R> | Exclude<S, Effect.Effect<any, any, any>>
  ) => Layer.Layer<I, E, R>

   * Create a Layer from the service that is scoped.
   * @since 1.0.0
  readonly scoped: <E, R>(effect: Effect.Effect<S, E, R>) => Layer.Layer<I, E, Exclude<R, Scope>>

Added in v1.0.0


Construct a Tagged implementation to be utilized from the Effect Context.


export declare function Tagged<const I extends IdentifierFactory<any>, S = I>(
  id: I | string
): Tagged<IdentifierOf<I>, S>
export declare function Tagged<const I, S = I>(id: I | string): Tagged<IdentifierOf<I>, S>
export declare function Tagged<const I, S>(id: I): Tagged<IdentifierOf<I>, S>
export declare function Tagged<S>(): {
  <const I extends IdentifierFactory<any>>(id: I): Tagged<IdentifierOf<I>, S>
  <const I>(id: I | string): Tagged<IdentifierOf<I>, S>

Added in v1.0.0

Tagged (namespace)

Added in v1.0.0

Identifier (type alias)


export type Identifier<T> = T extends Actions<infer I, any> ? I : T extends Provision<infer I, any> ? I : never

Added in v1.0.0

Service (type alias)


export type Service<T> = T extends Actions<any, infer S> ? S : T extends Provision<any, infer S> ? S : never

Added in v1.0.0


Add Provision to a Tag


export declare function withProvision<T extends Tag<any, any>>(tag: T): T & Provision<Tag.Identifier<T>, Tag.Service<T>>

Added in v1.0.0