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dom-properties overview

Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents


ElementProperties (type alias)


export type ElementProperties = {
  className?: string | null | undefined
  id?: string | null | undefined
  scrollLeft?: number | null | undefined
  scrollTop?: number | null | undefined
  slot?: string | null | undefined

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLAnchorElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLAnchorElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  Methods?: string | null | undefined
  charset?: string | null | undefined
  coords?: string | null | undefined
  download?: string | null | undefined
  hash?: string | null | undefined
  host?: string | null | undefined
  hostname?: string | null | undefined
  href?: string | null | undefined
  hreflang?: string | null | undefined
  name?: string | null | undefined
  pathname?: string | null | undefined
  port?: string | null | undefined
  protocol?: string | null | undefined
  rel?: string | null | undefined
  rev?: string | null | undefined
  search?: string | null | undefined
  shape?: string | null | undefined
  target?: string | null | undefined
  text?: string | null | undefined
  type?: string | null | undefined
  urn?: string | null | undefined

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLAppletElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLAppletElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  alt?: string
  altHtml?: string
  archive?: string
  border?: string
  code?: string
  codeBase?: string
  codeType?: string
  data?: string
  declare?: boolean
  height?: string
  hspace?: number
  name?: string
  object?: string | null
  standby?: string
  type?: string
  vspace?: number
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLAreaElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLAreaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  alt?: string
  coords?: string
  download?: string
  hash?: string
  host?: string
  hostname?: string
  href?: string
  noHref?: string
  pathname?: string
  port?: string
  protocol?: string
  rel?: string
  search?: string
  shape?: string
  target?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLAudioElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLAudioElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLBRElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLBRElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  clear?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLBaseElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLBaseElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  href?: string
  target?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLBaseFontElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLBaseFontElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  face?: string
  size?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLBodyElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLBodyElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  aLink?: any
  background?: string
  bgColor?: any
  bgProperties?: string
  link?: any
  noWrap?: boolean
  text?: any
  vLink?: any

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLButtonElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLButtonElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  autofocus?: boolean
  disabled?: boolean
  formAction?: string
  formEnctype?: string
  formMethod?: string
  formNoValidate?: string
  formTarget?: string
  name?: string
  status?: any
  type?: string
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLCanvasElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLCanvasElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  height?: number
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLDListElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLDListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  compact?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLDataElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLDataElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLDataListElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLDataListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  options?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLOptionElement>

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLDirectoryElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLDirectoryElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  compact?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLDivElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLDivElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  noWrap?: boolean

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLElementProperties = ElementProperties & {
  accessKey?: string | null | undefined
  contentEditable?: string | null | undefined
  dir?: string | null | undefined
  draggable?: boolean | null | undefined
  hidden?: boolean | null | undefined
  hideFocus?: boolean | null | undefined
  lang?: string | null | undefined
  spellcheck?: boolean | null | undefined
  tabIndex?: boolean | null | undefined
  title?: string | null | undefined

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLEmbedElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLEmbedElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  height?: string
  hidden?: any
  msPlayToDisabled?: boolean
  msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string
  msPlayToPrimary?: boolean
  name?: string
  src?: string
  units?: string
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLFieldSetElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLFieldSetElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  disabled?: boolean
  name?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLFontElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLFontElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  face?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLFormElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLFormElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  acceptCharset?: string
  action?: string
  autocomplete?: string
  encoding?: string
  enctype?: string
  method?: string
  name?: string
  noValidate?: boolean
  target?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLFrameElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLFrameElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  border?: string
  borderColor?: any
  frameBorder?: string
  frameSpacing?: any
  height?: string | number
  longDesc?: string
  marginHeight?: string
  marginWidth?: string
  name?: string
  noResize?: boolean
  scrolling?: string
  src?: string
  width?: string | number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLFrameSetElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLFrameSetElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  border?: string
  borderColor?: string
  cols?: string
  frameBorder?: string
  frameSpacing?: any
  name?: string
  rows?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLHRElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLHRElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  noShade?: boolean
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLHeadElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLHeadElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  profile?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLHeadingElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLHeadingElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLHtmlElementProperies (type alias)


export type HTMLHtmlElementProperies = HTMLElementProperties & {
  version?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLIFrameElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLIFrameElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  allowFullscreen?: boolean
  allowPaymentRequest?: boolean
  border?: string
  frameBorder?: string
  frameSpacing?: any
  height?: string
  hspace?: number
  longDesc?: string
  marginHeight?: string
  marginWidth?: string
  name?: string
  noResize?: boolean
  scrolling?: string
  src?: string
  vspace?: number
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLImageElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLImageElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  alt?: string
  border?: string
  crossOrigin?: string | null
  height?: number
  hspace?: number
  isMap?: boolean
  longDesc?: string
  lowsrc?: string
  msPlayToDisabled?: boolean
  msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string
  msPlayToPrimary?: boolean
  name?: string
  sizes?: string
  src?: string
  srcset?: string
  useMap?: string
  vspace?: number
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLInputElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLInputElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  accept?: string
  align?: string
  alt?: string
  autocomplete?: string
  autofocus?: boolean
  border?: string
  checked?: boolean
  defaultChecked?: boolean
  defaultValue?: string
  disabled?: boolean
  formAction?: string
  formEnctype?: string
  formMethod?: string
  formNoValidate?: string
  formTarget?: string
  height?: string
  hspace?: number
  indeterminate?: boolean
  max?: string
  maxLength?: number
  min?: string
  minLength?: number
  multiple?: boolean
  name?: string
  pattern?: string
  placeholder?: string
  readOnly?: string
  required?: boolean
  selectionDirection?: string
  selectionEnd?: number
  selectionStart?: number
  size?: number
  src?: string
  status?: boolean
  step?: string
  type?: string
  useMap?: string
  value?: string
  valueAsDate?: Date
  valueAsNumber?: number
  vspace?: number
  webkitdirectory?: boolean
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLLIElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLLIElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  type?: string
  value?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLLabelElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLLabelElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  htmlFor?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLLegendElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLLegendElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLLinkElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLLinkElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  charset?: string
  disabled?: boolean
  href?: string
  hreflang?: string
  media?: string
  rel?: string
  rev?: string
  target?: string
  type?: string
  import?: Document
  integrity?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMapElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMapElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  name?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMarqueeElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMarqueeElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  behavior?: string
  bgColor?: any
  direction?: string
  height?: string
  hspace?: number
  loop?: number
  scrollAmount?: number
  scrollDelay?: number
  trueSpeed?: boolean
  vspace?: number
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMediaElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMediaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  autoplay?: boolean
  controls?: boolean
  crossOrigin?: string | null
  currentTime?: number
  defaultMuted?: boolean
  defaultPlaybackRate?: number
  loop?: boolean
  msAudioCategory?: string
  msAudioDeviceType?: string
  msPlayToDisabled?: boolean
  msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string
  msPlayToPrimary?: string
  msRealTime?: boolean
  muted?: boolean
  playbackRate?: number
  preload?: string
  readyState?: number
  src?: string
  srcObject?: MediaStream | null
  volume?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMenuElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMenuElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  compact?: boolean
  type?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMetaElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMetaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  charset?: string
  content?: string
  httpEquiv?: string
  name?: string
  scheme?: string
  url?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLMeterElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLMeterElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  high?: number
  low?: number
  max?: number
  min?: number
  optimum?: number
  value?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLModElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLModElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  cite?: string
  dateTime?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLOListElementProperteis (type alias)


export type HTMLOListElementProperteis = HTMLElementProperties & {
  compact?: boolean
  start?: number
  type?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLObjectElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLObjectElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  alt?: string
  altHtml?: string
  archive?: string
  border?: string
  code?: string
  codeBase?: string
  codeType?: string
  data?: string
  declare?: boolean
  height?: string
  hspace?: number
  msPlayToDisabled?: boolean
  msPlayToPreferredSourceUri?: string
  msPlayToPrimary?: boolean
  name?: string
  standby?: string
  type?: string
  useMap?: string
  vspace?: number
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLOptGroupElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLOptGroupElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  defaultSelected?: boolean
  disabled?: boolean
  label?: string
  selected?: boolean
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLOptionElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLOptionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  defaultSelected?: boolean
  disabled?: boolean
  label?: string
  selected?: boolean
  text?: string
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLOutputElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLOutputElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  defaultValue?: string
  name?: string
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLParagraphElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLParagraphElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  clear?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLParamElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLParamElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  name?: string
  type?: string
  value?: string
  valueType?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLPreElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLPreElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLProgressElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLProgressElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  max?: number
  value?: number

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLPropertiesMap (interface)


export interface HTMLPropertiesMap {
  a: HTMLAnchorElementProperties
  abbr: HTMLElementProperties
  address: HTMLElementProperties
  applet: HTMLAppletElementProperties
  area: HTMLAreaElementProperties
  article: HTMLElementProperties
  aside: HTMLElementProperties
  audio: HTMLAudioElementProperties
  b: HTMLElementProperties
  base: HTMLBaseElementProperties
  basefont: HTMLBaseFontElementProperties
  bdi: HTMLElementProperties
  bdo: HTMLElementProperties
  big: HTMLElementProperties
  blockquote: HTMLElementProperties
  body: HTMLBodyElementProperties
  br: HTMLBRElementProperties
  button: HTMLButtonElementProperties
  canvas: HTMLCanvasElementProperties
  caption: HTMLElementProperties
  center: HTMLElementProperties
  cite: HTMLElementProperties
  code: HTMLElementProperties
  col: HTMLTableColElementProperties
  colgroup: HTMLTableColElementProperties
  data: HTMLDataElementProperties
  datalist: HTMLDataListElementProperties
  dd: HTMLElementProperties
  del: HTMLModElementProperties
  details: HTMLElementProperties
  dfn: HTMLElementProperties
  dialog: HTMLElementProperties
  dir: HTMLDirectoryElementProperties
  div: HTMLDivElementProperties
  dl: HTMLDListElementProperties
  dt: HTMLElementProperties
  em: HTMLElementProperties
  embed: HTMLEmbedElementProperties
  fieldset: HTMLFieldSetElementProperties
  figcaption: HTMLElementProperties
  figure: HTMLElementProperties
  font: HTMLFontElementProperties
  footer: HTMLElementProperties
  form: HTMLFormElementProperties
  frame: HTMLFrameElementProperties
  frameset: HTMLFrameSetElementProperties
  h1: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  h2: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  h3: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  h4: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  h5: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  h6: HTMLHeadingElementProperties
  head: HTMLHeadElementProperties
  header: HTMLElementProperties
  hgroup: HTMLElementProperties
  hr: HTMLHRElementProperties
  html: HTMLHtmlElementProperies
  i: HTMLElementProperties
  iframe: HTMLIFrameElementProperties
  img: HTMLImageElementProperties
  input: HTMLInputElementProperties
  ins: HTMLModElementProperties
  kbd: HTMLElementProperties
  label: HTMLLabelElementProperties
  legend: HTMLLegendElementProperties
  li: HTMLLIElementProperties
  link: HTMLLinkElementProperties
  main: HTMLElementProperties
  map: HTMLMapElementProperties
  mark: HTMLElementProperties
  marquee: HTMLMarqueeElementProperties
  menu: HTMLMenuElementProperties
  menuitem: HTMLElementProperties
  meta: HTMLMetaElementProperties
  meter: HTMLMeterElementProperties
  nav: HTMLElementProperties
  noframes: HTMLElementProperties
  noscript: HTMLElementProperties
  object: HTMLObjectElementProperties
  ol: HTMLOListElementProperteis
  optgroup: HTMLOptGroupElementProperties
  option: HTMLOptionElementProperties
  output: HTMLOutputElementProperties
  p: HTMLParagraphElementProperties
  param: HTMLParamElementProperties
  picture: HTMLElementProperties
  pre: HTMLPreElementProperties
  progress: HTMLProgressElementProperties
  q: HTMLQuoteElementProperties
  rp: HTMLElementProperties
  rt: HTMLElementProperties
  ruby: HTMLElementProperties
  s: HTMLElementProperties
  samp: HTMLElementProperties
  script: HTMLScriptElementProperties
  section: HTMLElementProperties
  select: HTMLSelectElementProperties
  small: HTMLElementProperties
  source: HTMLSourceElementProperties
  span: HTMLSpanElementProperties
  strike: HTMLElementProperties
  strong: HTMLElementProperties
  style: HTMLStyleElementProperties
  sub: HTMLElementProperties
  summary: HTMLElementProperties
  sup: HTMLElementProperties
  table: HTMLTableElementProperties
  tbody: HTMLTableSectionElementProperties
  td: HTMLTableCellElementProperties
  template: HTMLTemplateElementProperties
  textarea: HTMLTextAreaElementProperties
  tfoot: HTMLTableSectionElementProperties
  th: HTMLTableHeaderCellElementProperties
  thead: HTMLTableSectionElementProperties
  time: HTMLTimeElementProperties
  title: HTMLTitleElementProperties
  tr: HTMLTableRowElementProperties
  track: HTMLTrackElementProperties
  tt: HTMLElementProperties
  u: HTMLElementProperties
  ul: HTMLUListElementProperties
  var: HTMLElementProperties
  video: HTMLVideoElementProperties
  wbr: HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLQuoteElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLQuoteElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  cite?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLScriptElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLScriptElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  async?: boolean
  charset?: string
  crossOrigin?: string | null
  defer?: boolean
  event?: string
  htmlFor?: string
  src?: string
  text?: string
  type?: string
  integrity?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLSelectElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLSelectElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  autofocus?: boolean
  disabled?: boolean
  length?: number
  multiple?: boolean
  name?: string
  required?: boolean
  selectedIndex?: number
  selectedOptions?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLOptionElement>
  size?: number
  value?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLSourceElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLSourceElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  media?: string
  msKeySystem?: string
  sizes?: string
  src?: string
  srcset?: string
  type?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLSpanElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLSpanElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLStyleElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLStyleElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  disabled?: boolean
  media?: string
  type?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableCaptionElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableCaptionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  vAlign?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableCellElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  abbr?: string
  align?: string
  axis?: string
  bgColor?: any
  colSpan?: number
  headers?: string
  height?: any
  noWrap?: boolean
  rowSpan?: number
  scope?: string
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableColElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableColElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  span?: number
  width?: any

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableDataCellElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableDataCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  bgColor?: any
  border?: string
  borderColor?: any
  caption?: HTMLTableCaptionElement
  cellPadding?: string
  cellSpacing?: string
  cols?: number
  frame?: string
  height?: any
  rows?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableRowElement>
  rules?: string
  summary?: string
  tBodies?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableSectionElement>
  tFoot?: HTMLTableSectionElement
  tHead?: HTMLTableSectionElement
  width?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableHeaderCellElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableHeaderCellElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  scope?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableRowElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableRowElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  bgColor?: any
  cells?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableDataCellElement | HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>
  height?: any

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTableSectionElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTableSectionElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  align?: string
  rows?: HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLTableRowElement>

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTemplateElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTemplateElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTextAreaElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTextAreaElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  autofocus?: boolean
  cols?: number
  defaultValue?: string
  disabled?: boolean
  maxLength?: number
  minLength?: number
  name?: string
  placeholder?: string
  readOnly?: boolean
  required?: boolean
  rows?: number
  selectionEnd?: number
  selectedStart?: number
  status?: any
  value?: string
  wrap?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTimeElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTimeElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  dateTime?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTitleElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTitleElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  text?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLTrackElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLTrackElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  default?: boolean
  kind?: string
  label?: string
  src?: string
  srclang?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLUListElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLUListElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  compact?: boolean
  type?: string

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLUnknownElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLUnknownElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties

Added in v1.0.0

HTMLVideoElementProperties (type alias)


export type HTMLVideoElementProperties = HTMLElementProperties & {
  height?: number
  msHorizontalMirror?: boolean
  msStereo3DPackingMode?: string
  msStereo3DRenderMode?: string
  msZoom?: boolean
  poster?: string
  width?: number

Added in v1.0.0