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Repository overview

A Repository is a collection of Context.Fns that can be implemented and utilized in a single place.

Added in v1.0.0

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Create a Repository from a collection of Fns.


export declare function repository<Fns extends AnyFns>(fns: Fns): Repository<Fns>

Added in v1.0.0


Repository (type alias)

A Repository is a collection of Context.Fns that can be implemented and utilized in a single place.


export type Repository<Fns extends AnyFns> = Fns & TaggedStruct<Fns> & RepositoryImplement<Fns>

Added in v1.0.0

RepositoryImplement (type alias)

A Repository can be implemented with a collection of Fns.


export type RepositoryImplement<Fns extends AnyFns> = {
  readonly implement: <Impls extends { readonly [K in keyof Fns]: EffectFn.Extendable<Fn.FnOf<Fns[K]>> }>(
    implementations: Impls
  ) => Layer.Layer<Fn.Identifier<Fns[keyof Fns]>, never, EffectFn.Context<Impls[keyof Impls]>>

  readonly makeLayer: <R, E, Impls extends { readonly [K in keyof Fns]: EffectFn.Extendable<Fn.FnOf<Fns[K]>> }>(
    implementations: Effect.Effect<Impls, E, R>
  ) => Layer.Layer<Fn.Identifier<Fns[keyof Fns]>, never, Exclude<EffectFn.Context<Impls[keyof Impls]>, Scope>>

Added in v1.0.0