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PubSub overview

Contextual wrappers around @effect/io/PubSub

Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents



Construct a PubSub implementation to be utilized from the Effect Context.


export declare function PubSub<A>(): {
  <const I extends IdentifierFactory<any>>(identifier: I): PubSub<IdentifierOf<I>, A>
  <const I>(identifier: I): PubSub<IdentifierOf<I>, A>

Added in v1.0.0


PubSub (interface)

Contextual wrappers around @effect/io/PubSub


export interface PubSub<I, A> extends Tag<I, PS.PubSub<A>> {
   * The capacity of the PubSub
  readonly capacity: Effect.Effect<number, never, I>

   * Is the PubSub active?
  readonly isActive: Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * The current size of the PubSub
  readonly size: Effect.Effect<number, never, I>

   * Is the PubSub full?
  readonly isFull: Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * Is the PubSub empty?
  readonly isEmpty: Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * Shutdown the PubSub
  readonly shutdown: Effect.Effect<void, never, I>

   * Is the PubSub shutdown?
  readonly isShutdown: Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * Wait for the PubSub to shutdown
  readonly awaitShutdown: Effect.Effect<void, never, I>

  // PubSub

   * Publish a value to the PubSub
  readonly publish: (a: A) => Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * Publish multiple values to the PubSub
  readonly publishAll: (as: Iterable<A>) => Effect.Effect<boolean, never, I>

   * Subscribe to the PubSub
  readonly subscribe: Effect.Effect<Q.Dequeue<A>, never, I | Scope>

  // Constructors

   * Create a bounded PubSub
  readonly bounded: (capacity: number) => Layer.Layer<I>

   * Create a dropping PubSub
  readonly dropping: (capacity: number) => Layer.Layer<I>

   * Create a sliding PubSub
  readonly sliding: (capacity: number) => Layer.Layer<I>

   * Create an unbounded PubSub
  readonly unbounded: Layer.Layer<I>

Added in v1.0.0